Ana Sayfa / Haberler / Uşak University Among the World's Best Universities
26 Haziran 2024, Çarşamba
Uşak University Among the World's Best Universities
The Times Higher Education "World University Rankings 2024", which evaluates world universities according to many categories and ranks them according to global higher education, has been published.

There are 97 universities from Turkey in the list, which includes 2671 universities from 108 countries and regions around the world. Uşak University ranked 35th in Turkey and 1501+ in the world.

Stating that the place of Uşak University in the world university rankings is getting higher and higher every year, Rector Prof. Dr. Ekrem Savaş said, "We have been working to make Uşak University an international university since the date we took office. In this field, we have increased both our education and service quality and our international recognition. We provide world-class education by focusing on scientific, cultural and social issues. Uşak University continues to rise in the lists of many independent rating organizations. In the Times Higher Education 'World University Rankings 2024', our university continued this rise and ranked 35th among 97 Turkish universities ranked."
The list, where the majority of the institutions participating in the ranking for the first time this year are from Asia, reveals how the global higher education landscape has changed. From Turkey, 3 universities ranked 351-400, 1 university ranked 501-600, 4 universities ranked 601-800, 3 universities ranked 801-1000, 7 universities ranked 1001-1200, 17 universities ranked 1201-1500, 40 universities ranked 1501+ and 22 universities ranked as reporters.