Ana Sayfa / Haberler / Rector Savaş Meets with Guidance and Psychological Counseling Teachers
26 Haziran 2024, Çarşamba
Rector Savaş Meets with Guidance and Psychological Counseling Teachers

Uşak University Rector Prof. Dr. Ekrem Savaş met with the administrators and guidance and psychological counseling teachers of high schools in Uşak.

The event took place in the conference hall of Uşak İmam Hatip Middle School. Rector Savaş provided information about future professions, the progress Uşak University has made over its 18-year history, and its strengths.

In addition to Rector Savaş, the meeting was attended by Vice Rectors Prof. Dr. Kenan Taş and Prof. Dr. Osman Birgin, Dean of the Faculty of Communication Prof. Dr. Murat Sezgin, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences Prof. Dr. Osman Asi, Uşak National Education Director Halil Yücel, and Branch Manager V. Faruk Babakardeş from the Student Affairs Department.

The meeting began with a screening of Uşak University’s promotional film. Rector Savaş emphasized that students in Uşak can study at an accredited university by YÖKAK in a campus with complete physical and human infrastructure, without facing problems related to accommodation or transportation. He explained the advantages of YÖKAK accreditation, highlighting that Uşak University graduates could use their diplomas to find job and career opportunities worldwide.

As a young university that has managed to be in the same category as many of Turkey's well-established universities, Prof. Dr. Ekrem Savaş shared the following information about Uşak University:

"Uşak University stood out in the 'University Monitoring and Evaluation General Report-2023' prepared by YÖK, which considered 74 different indicators. Uşak University was among the top three universities in the 'Top Development in the Amount of Donations to the University' list under the 'Service to Society and Social Responsibility' category. It also ranked fourth in the 'Distribution of Universities by the Number of Faculty Members Participating in International Exchange Programs' list under the 'Internationalization' category. Moreover, our university added another success to its achievements in regional development projects. We won the 'Contribution to Local Development' award in YÖK’s 2023 Excellence Awards in the institutional category. Receiving the 'Best University in Contribution to Local Development' award from our President, Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, was a great honor."

In addition to its national successes, Rector Savaş highlighted Uşak University's international achievements, stating that the university's rankings in Times Higher Education (Impact Rankings), SCIMAGO, URAP, UI Green Metric, and QS Europe lists improve every year.

Prof. Dr. Savaş also discussed the university's specialization areas—leather, textile, and ceramics—detailing the career opportunities offered to students and the contributions of Uşak OSB Technopark, which adds significant value to the region.

During the promotional program, Vice Rectors Prof. Dr. Kenan Taş and Prof. Dr. Osman Birgin, Dean of the Faculty of Communication Prof. Dr. Murat Sezgin, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences Prof. Dr. Osman Asi, and Branch Manager V. Faruk Babakardeş from the Student Affairs Department provided information about the education, departments, academic staff, physical facilities, and student affairs in their respective faculties.