Ana Sayfa / Haberler / Graduation Award Ceremony Excitement at Uşak University
26 Haziran 2024, Çarşamba
Graduation Award Ceremony Excitement at Uşak University

Uşak University 2023-2024 Academic Year Graduation Award Ceremony was held at Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Congress and Culture Center.

Governor Dr. Turan Ergün, Uşak MPs Att. Fahrettin Tuğrul and Opr. Dr. Ali Karaoba, Chief Public Prosecutor Serdar Durmuş, President of the Justice Commission Kayhan Yıldırım, President of the Administrative Court Islam Kaya, Rector Prof. Dr. Ekrem Savaş, Rector of Kütahya Dumlupınar University Prof. Dr. Süleyman Kızıltoprak, Advisor to the President of CoHE Haşim Koç, Former Uşak MP Dr. Alim Tunç, Provincial Police Chief Mehmet Ali Kolcu, Provincial Gendarmerie Commander Jd. Alim Tunç, Provincial Police Chief Mehmet Ali Kolcu, Provincial Gendarmerie Commander J. Kd. Colonel Fahri Semiz, Vice Rectors Prof. Dr. Kenan Taş, Prof. Dr. Lütfi Özav and Prof. Dr. Osman Birgin, provincial protocol, deans of our university faculties, directors of institutes, colleges and vocational schools, academicians, students who ranked at the university and their families attended the ceremony.

The ceremony started with a moment of silence and the reading of the National Anthem and continued with the screening of the Uşak University Promotional Film.

After the introductory movie, Sümeyye Orakçı, a student of the Faculty of Islamic Sciences, made a speech on behalf of the graduating students. In her speech, Orakçı thanked all her teachers and their families for their efforts and said that they will continue to work hard. "The difficulties faced by our brothers and sisters in Palestine and their patience and resistance are a great lesson and inspiration for all of us. The Palestinian people continue to resist with patience and determination despite the injustices they have faced for years. This resistance shows us the power of patience and faith. But the struggle of the Palestinian people must not remain just a source of inspiration. We have to make their voices heard and stand by them in their quest for justice. It is our responsibility on behalf of humanity to stand by the Palestinian people, to give voice to their voice and not to forget the injustices they have suffered. Supporting their just struggle is important not only for Palestine, but also for all those who struggle for justice and freedom in different parts of the world, especially in East Turkistan." and drew attention to the persecuted nations in different parts of the world.

Rector Savaş: ''I condemn the illegitimate attacks on Gaza and would like to express my support for the oppressed Palestinian people, with whom we are connected by historical and cultural ties.''

Rector Prof. Dr. Ekrem Savaş started his speech by emphasizing the human tragedy that has been taking place in Palestine for about 10 months in front of the eyes of the world. Prof. Dr. Savaş said, "I condemn the illegitimate attacks on Gaza and I would like to express my support for the oppressed Palestinian people, with whom we are connected by historical and cultural ties. Standing by the Palestinian people in the face of Israel's attacks is a requirement of being human and having a conscience. It is very clear that the policies of the State of Israel, which disregards international law and is an occupier according to UN resolutions, and which has turned Gaza into an open-air prison, have not brought peace to Israel, Palestine or the Middle East. I hope that the attacks will end as soon as possible, peace will be established and a free and sovereign Palestinian State will be established. It should not be forgotten that a just peace has no losers."

Rector Savaş: ''The goals we have set as Uşak University family since 2018 and the steps we have taken to achieve these goals bring success.''

In his speech, Prof. Dr. Ekrem Savaş briefly summarized the point Uşak University has reached in 18 years and talked about the national and international achievements of the university. Emphasizing that since 2018, the goals they have set as Uşak University family and the steps they have taken to achieve these goals have brought success, Rector Savaş stated that as a result of the quality studies carried out meticulously, they were entitled to receive an institutional accreditation certificate from the Higher Education Quality Board (YÖKAK) and 12 departments/programs have been accredited so far.

Rector Savaş: ''The goal of Uşak University, which stands out with national and international achievements, is to increase its quality by always ranking even higher''

Reminding that Uşak University is one of the prominent universities in the "University Monitoring and Evaluation General Report-2023" prepared by CoHE by taking into account 74 different indicators, and that it won the Best University in Turkey in 'Contribution to Local Development' award in the Institutional category of CoHE's 2023 Outstanding Achievement Awards by adding a new one to its achievements in regional development projects. Prof. Dr. Savaş also talked about the achievements in international rankings and stated that Uşak University was ranked among the top 1000 universities in the world in THE Impact Ranking 2023 list as in previous years, and in the SCIMAGO 2023 list, in which 134 universities from Turkey took part, it rose 16 places compared to the previous year and ranked 83rd. He stated that they ranked 79th in the URAP Turkey State Universities Ranking 2022-2023 (among 121 universities), 38th in the list of universities established after 2000, 676th among the top 1000 universities with the greenest campus in the world in the UI Green Metric ranking, and ranked 43rd as one of the 73 universities from Turkey that managed to enter the QS Europe 2024 Ranking for the first time this year. Stating that they are happy and proud to be included in the QS list, where only 73 universities from Turkey are evaluated, Rector Savaş said, "Our goal is to increase our quality by always ranking even higher.

Rector Savaş also drew attention to the contributions of the academic and administrative staff who made this success possible and thanked them all.

Addressing the parents in his speech, Prof. Dr. Savaş said, "I congratulate you as an educator and a parent. You have made great sacrifices starting from primary education until today for your children to get a good education and become individuals who are beneficial to the country. Today, be proud of your children and applaud yourselves because you deserve it. Without your support, we would not be able to experience this beautiful moment today. I congratulate you once again," he said.

-Approximately 7 thousand students are graduating from Uşak University this year-

Stating that approximately 7 thousand students are graduating from Uşak University this year, Prof. Dr. Savaş addressed the graduating students and said the following :

"Our university will be waiting for new students while you graduate with its green campus, large social areas, library offering a peaceful study environment, modern dormitories, and student-centered education model. During your time at our University, you have gained the knowledge and skills you will need in your later life in the best way possible. However, beyond this, we have raised you as individuals who criticize, question, think differently, pursue innovation, are part of the solution, not the problem, and produce work, not excuses. We firmly believe that as a well-educated, qualified and conscious youth, you will continue to make us proud with the success you will achieve in your future life. We look forward to seeing you again at our Alumni Day events and celebrating your new achievements. Remember, as a part of Uşak University, from which you graduated, you now belong to this big family. This family will always be your supporter and proudly share your achievements. With these feelings and thoughts, I kiss you all on the eyes as we send you off happily and proudly. May your path, fortune, horizons and hearts be open. May God help you and help you.''

Uşak MPs Att. Fahrettin Tuğrul and Dr. Ali Karaoba and Rector of Kütahya Dumlupınar University Prof. Dr. Süleyman Kızıltoprak delivered speeches and congratulated the graduates and their families. Prof. Dr. Ali Karaoba and Kütahya Dumlupınar University Rector Prof. Dr. Süleyman Kızıltoprak made speeches and congratulated the graduates and their families and expressed their belief that the graduates will do good works for our country.

In his speech at the ceremony, Governor Dr. Turan Ergün said, "Uşak University is among the distinguished higher education institutions of our country with its distinguished academic staff, scientific research, social, cultural, sports activities and physical facilities. We are confident that our children, whom we are trying to raise by making the most efficient use of these opportunities within our University, will continue their successes in their new lives with many successes after graduating from our University. I congratulate our young people, to whom we will entrust our future, with all my heart, and I would like to thank especially you, our esteemed families, our academicians and all our staff at our University, who have worked devotedly in their upbringing, and I wish you to never break your ties with Uşak and our University, and to never forget our Uşak and us. May your path be clear and your future bright."

Usak University 2024 Graduates Threw Graduation Caps

After the opening speeches, the 79 students who ranked in the ranking were awarded certificates of achievement by the protocol members. Uşak University 2023-2024 Academic Year Graduation Award Ceremony ended with the students throwing their graduation caps.

Approximately 7 thousand students will graduate from Uşak University this year. The graduation ceremonies of the Faculties and Vocational Schools will be held between June 11-14 at the Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Congress and Culture Center and Şehit Ömer Halisdemir Sports Center located on the Bir Eylül Campus and at the campuses of the district Vocational Schools.