Uşak University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Department of Public Administration and Public Administration Community organized a panel titled “Human Rights in the World and Turkey”.
Uşak Deputy Governor Burak Bozkurt Gürses, Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Osman Birgin, Head of the Department of Public Administration and Community Advisor Assoc. Prof. Dr. Fulya Akyıldız, academicians and students attended the panel held in Mustafa Kemal Paşa Amphitheater.
Stating that every human being has the right to live humanely, Prof. Dr. Osman Birgin said in his opening speech, “In our country, human rights are protected by law.”
In the panel, Judge Ganem Ulukoca, a member of Uşak 1st Assize Court, gave information about “Human Rights in the World” in his presentation.
Uşak Chief Public Prosecutor Kutluhan Muhsin Kanmaz gave a presentation on “Human Rights in Turkey”.
The panel ended with the questions from the participants.