Ana Sayfa / Haberler / Digitalization and Flow Management in Apparel and Fashion Industry was discussed
8 Mayıs 2024, Çarşamba
Digitalization and Flow Management in Apparel and Fashion Industry was discussed

The interview titled “Digitalization and Flow Management in the Apparel and Fashion Sector” organized by Uşak University Leather, Textile and Ceramics (DTS) Design Center was held on Uşak University Youtube channel.

Polytropon Marketing and Sales Manager Rıza Temel, Polytropon CAD Systems Specialist Özlem Albayrak, Polytropon Fashion Solutions Sales Consultant Serdar Önal and Polytropon Software Consultant Ercan Eriş met with the audience.

At the beginning of the program, Uşak University Leather, Textile and Ceramic Design Center Director Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eren Öner said, “Thank you very much for being here today and supporting us. We represent a new formation as DTS Design Center. We are a design center working with the logic of the private sector in the public sector. We have engineers and designers in the fields of leather, textile and ceramics in our team. We spend all of our time on the work to be done in cooperation with the sector. In this sense, there are projects we develop together with the sector, designs we offer to the sector, and solutions for production we offer to the sector. The point that differentiates us is our slightly more digital solutions. Since we are a mission university, we have tried to bring both our team and our infrastructure to three-dimensional design, digitalization and a dynamic structure that can offer faster solutions from the old heavy production techniques.”

In the conversation moderated by DTS Design Center Textile Unit Design Specialist Lecturer Fatih Aytekin, important information was provided to the audience on “Browzwvar 3D and Digital Library” by Rıza Temel, “Polypattern 2D CAD Systems” by Özlem Albayrak, “PolyOrganize PLM” by Serdar Önal and “Orbitvu Product Photography” by Ercan Eriş.